서버 | OS/Linux - Shell Script
Send e-mail with attachment in shell environment.
2024. 2. 1. 23:16
Tested(target) OSs :
- Ubuntu
- Arch Linux
Required packages :
- msmtp (simple mail client that can support external smtp like Gmail, Naver etc.)
- mutt (needs for file attachment)
1. Install package
- Ubuntu :
apt-get install -y msmtp mutt
- Arch Linux :
pacman -S msmtp mutt
2. Prepare shell environment
- create a "~/.msmtprc" file for msmtp
cat << EOF > ~/.msmtprc # Set default values for all following accounts. defaults auth on tls on tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt logfile ~/.msmtp.log # Naver account naver host smtp.naver.com port 465 tls_starttls off from fromuser@naver.com user fromuser password password-for-fromuser # Set a default account account default: naver
- Create a rc file for mutt
cat << EOF > ~/.muttrc
set sendmail=/usr/bin/msmtp
set use_from=yes
set from=<e-mail address>
3. Send an e-mail with attachment
# Simple
echo -e "hello there username." | mutt -a file.zip -s "Test hello attachment" -- receiver-user-name@gmail.com
# HTML content
mutt -e "set content_type=text/html" receiver-user-name@gmail.com -a file.zip -s "Test hello attachment" < ~/emailbo